Makeroid Account

I dont get it! I said I will not let myself let the beta changes get out on the community besides the beta lounge

Oh nevermind, I just got what you were saying

@Diego Are you working on this? I’m so excited!

The next two weeks are full if exams, but it’s my priority

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Have you done anything about it but not deployed it?

Nope :sweat_smile:

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Sad News :frowning:.

But waiting for you!

I’ve made a new login system with ability to access via email (like the builder)

Check it


Could you do the design changes that you’ve done to the builder login screen?

The Google login button design and the small icons? They are not related to email and password.

Plus, a question: does this use the same db as the builder login page?

I’ll add a Google logo, but later

Mmm, that’s a font problem
I’ll check it :+1:

It uses the same login form, but a different database and I made a connection between both

So am I able to use the same sign in details with builder and the account page without registering a new account?

Nope, you need a different ones due to the password encryption which is not the same

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I’m changing the password encryption method
Before it was using MD5. Now it’s going to use PBKBF2 with SHA1 and 64000 iterations


I’ve added an option to link your community profile and the alert system

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@Diego why do the pages show up blank to me? Can you perhaps link my accounts manually on the server side?

The blank page on the community means success, there’s no content by now :sweat_smile:

You can go to /cpanel/alerts for a non blank page

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If you would like any other information on the Community Cpanel just say it
I don’t know what else I can add

Now I’m working on the option to link multiple emails to the same account

@Diego /cpanel/home was moved?