Briefcase Opening & Close Effect


What i am trying to do is when the briefcase is opened 2 buttons on the top and bottom of the briefcase i want visible. When it’s closed the buttons are suppose to be invisible. but this is working backwards.

Can some1 please tell me where I have gone wrong?

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set the buttons to visible = false in the else part of the if then else statement

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I’ve tried that and now have no buttons when i open the briefcase.

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Show us a screenshot of your relevant blocks

How does the scren initialize? With a briefcase open or closed? Set the visibility of the buttons in the designer accordingly


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blocks (1)

Here is the blocks. Im not sure why but the initlization block should be at the top.

You forgot to implement the suggestion


Ive tried that it doesnt work

You forgot to provide a screenshot of your relevant blocks…
Also how does the screen start? With a briefcase open or closed? Set the visibility of the buttons in the designer accordingly


Closed\ buttons r to show up when it is opened

It is hard to understand, what you are trying to tell us… did you fix your issue?


Yes i rewrote the screen