Which features do you want?!

I want a vertical slider to be able to control, thanks …

I try something today.
Maybe I will find a user friendly way for that.

I have tried to integrate it but got some problems with the height option for vertical sliders

I would like a code editor with folders inside to put blocks in.


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That’s a bit of a coincidence! :sweat_smile: We have actually be discussing that this week.

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Dont tell anyone but i can read minds. :sunglasses:

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Google Play Game Services,Cloudiary,Modern Asset management,Every visual component click handler(Focus lost focus move left ,),More option for canvas,

Layer desing

Every Screen have layer and we can edit layers like screens.So we can create own FAB, progres bar,Alert …

More option on multimedia side

We are already working on that :wink:

Any release date? Is it extension or Makeroid component

No, We dont have one yet

It will be a Makeroid Component

We hope to release tomorrow



No pressure, please!!! Let the guys who make Makeroid work to put all things in the right place. I am sure they are doing their best and we have to respect this, in order to have a functional (and very good) platform, with a minimum of errors.


Is it posible add add this options to Canvas

Handler for user action.Is user still clicking CAnvas.When user left clicking Canvas.

Option for Canvas events which imagesprite coiled.there is dragged any sprite option but its only give true or false as result

We don’t need a second block for that.
For “clicks” you can use this block or the touch down block.

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Thanks ı missed it.

When we draw text using Canvas Draw its still behind the imagesprite can you guys fix it.I cant fix it using imagesprite Z location

there is nothing to fix, images sprites can only be put on top of the canvas and can never be behind the canvas…
you might want to start a new thread and explain what exactly you are trying to do…
then someone probably could suggest a workaround…


Back ground service, In-App purchase, Customize Listview, Paypal or any other electronics payment method support. User cloud storage linkage support like drop box or google drive. FB or twitter linkage support .


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We’re working on it.

Available in the next update.

Could you elaborate? What do you want to customise?

There’s already a Twitter component. Does that not have all the functions you’re looking for?

That may be quite hard to implement. We’ll have to look into it.

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  1. A Horizontal ListViewer will be very useful.
    For example to reduce this and many Blocks with the same action:

  1. For the ListViewer add an Icon, Image or Thumbnail
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Added on my to do list.

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