What is 1.1.4 version makeroid and what features it have

Can anyone tell what new features or bugs are fixes in new version of makeroid

Why not read the release notes?
It was just a quick fix for the listview bug

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Then why you make a small change a version name
and important thing
Does makeroid have some tutorials to protect their apps from playstore violations
Like my two apps
Rex Mod
Pubg Titles

was removed because when people gets to home screen and app paused my loaded interstial ad was shown for that they suspended my app.

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Well friend you and i till 2 days back was using an wrong practice of intertesial ads as app inventor clones or derivatives have such confusing blocks. The main reason for suspension or policy voailation warning is intertesial ads showing in between events due to data latency. I am sure that you must have got an policy warning email which you ignored and get suspension. I too get it on my all 6 apps. I had to unpublish 3 of them temporally and for three of them i just followed what admob want us to do. So say you want to show an ad on screen two opening. Don’t load ad on screen 2 instead load the intetesial ad on screen 1 itself and call the ad when the click event related to screen 2 is called or clicked. Now open the screen 2 only after the ad is closed. That way you will be safe even with appinventor clones or derivatives. Have a good day anyway.

That’s just plain gross.

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