Shadow on arrangements

Okay, I added the animation component, but there is no block to add shadows!
If you mean the block I put on the picture on my post, it doesn’t exist for arrangements, I only find it on labels

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Yes I mean the label shadow block but, you didnt try it, so how do you know if it works? You dont.

I don’t understand!
I have to use a label’s shadow block to put a shadow on an arrangement?
Like this ?

Yes now try it. And show the result.

Wheres your arrangement?

Its the grey zone

Try radius is 350

Nothing change

Try, 1000 then

It just changes the shadow under the text!
With radius 10 :

With radius 1000 :

The compagnon crashed, but you can’t see the shadow anymore under the text
I need to restart the compagnon each time i change the radius.

Eu não sei se isso será adicionado, mas eu tenho uma solução;

Use esta imagem em um arranjo abaixo do arranjo que deseja que tenha sombra:
em seguida ajuste a altura desse arranjo para 3, o resultado é menos denso, mas parecido.

Se quiser algo mais/menos denso corte dessa imagem:

(usei essa imagem para obter a sombra da primeira imagem)


Good idea! I hadn’t thought of that!
I’ll see what it looks like.

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Perfect !

I’ve created a transparent shadow with photoshop :

Very good trick! Thanks @Soft_Darsh


Por nada, você conseguiu fazer melhor :slight_smile:.

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Yes it looks good

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How Did You Do that
Please suggest

How This shadow is created
I wnat to create in another color

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I’ve used photoshop, i’ve created 1px line (that is out of the image by 1px on the top), with the shadow behind. Then i put the shadow in the image component behind the title bar arrangement

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