Services/Tasks O.o

You can view App Inventor’s instructions here:

We haven’t got any dates for releasing our services at the moment. I’m currently working through an issue then we’ll be testing it.

Thanks! , been waiting for this for so long

nice :ok_hand:t2:
if possible , please upload 1 woking aia file also :pray:t2:

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We have some problems while building APKs, but we hope that we can fix it during this week
Also, there isn’t any public server with it enabled for now

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it can also run when app close ?

That’s what Background Task means :wink:
You can create, for example, a chat app like WhatsApp or a running tracker that can runs after app closes

yes yes like this !!
its may possible with tasker ?
also as call recorder app which are on play store .
it will work when app are close

Background Tasks are done as it were a normal screen, dropping a component without properties and joining blocks :sweat_smile:

Check this:
There is a beta version of them

Play a little bit with it so you are getting familiar until we release it

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i’m waiting for that
thank for fast reply

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can tell ne which are lestest in mit inventor
or is the latest stable release WITHOUT services is latest beta release WITH services

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thanku boos


Hi, when this is fully up and running will we be able to turn the phones screen back on 4useing tasks?

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Yes :smiley:

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Services Discussion

One thing: Why are in the bookmarks ‘Clash of Clans Hacks…’?
And why are people (also in other forums) ignoring the fact, that in screenshots can be other information than mentioned?

P.s.: My Bookmarks aren’t better. :wink:



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Any updates on this? This was published back in September but there are no any updates.

Good news will be appreciated :slight_smile:.

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Updates on these?

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