More categories on the community for us to filter posts better

I want more categories in our community to filter our posts better.

Is it possible to see new ones if I (or us: other users) suggest some of my ideas?

May i ask you something personal? Are you ever satified with something? Do you ever have enough? More extensions. More options. More categories.

Why not let the developers just enjoy their hobby. They have a really really long list of things they want to do. Why not stop asking for more and more things.

Maybe you should learn to code yourself in Java and make your own version. You could let your energy loose on that.

I am not a developer but i wouldn’t like it when someone is pushing and pushing for more stuff to implement, while there is so much on the list to be done.


Ideas are not bad things. Ideas make a product better and better. Yes, there are a lot things develoeprs need to do right now for Makeroid, but maybe with an idea of mine that is so good to them, they can suspend their work and focus on that idea. I’m always giving my ideas to them so they can discuss and organize all of them to work on those ideas.

Makeroid is growing so fast, and I want to help Makeroid grow. It’s my decision, not yours.

You’ve said this a million times probably. I’m not pushing “ANYONE”. I’m just giving “ideas”, “bug reports”, “suggestions” etc.

I’ve contributed to Makeroid a lot. In the community, translations (added the Turkish translation), GitHub (makeroid/docs, makeroid/, makeroid/TinyWebDB etc.)

Developers can simply add my (…and other users’ ideas) to their wishlist, and try to do them. Simple, right?

If they’ve tried and they didn’t receive any success, they can stop working on that idea and working on a new idea.

And by saying these, I don’t forget that Makeroid Develoopers are making this as a “Hobby” because they are sutdents (I understand this because I’m a student too).

I’m going to continue on giving my ideas and my bug reports to the Developers so they can keep on improving Makeroid.

A product can be better and better in time + ideas. Not just time :slight_smile:.

Hope you understand the situation.

We think that with the categories we have is more than enough

You can still use tags in order to filter posts better :wink:


Can you add a video and text tutorial sub-categories to the #howto category?


I need a category to put JavaScript code that will Interact with the webviewer … I want this to be separate so that new users do not have to search the entire site, for something that may be in a separate category

I’m going to upload some Javascript codes that do some things that we all need and still do not exist in the extensions …

I’m going to create some tutorials on how to interact with Javascript to create dynamic components, even offline, with the materializecss.

I think it would be useful also a section where only those who understand PHP code can consult, because I have read several user requirements such as upload images, send emails, etc, that will use php…

In the end this is not a requirement, since whether you do it or not, I will upload the content anyway.

This is the only forum that I enter daily and try to contribute, I do not contribute in

:thunkable: :appinventor: :appybuilder:

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