How do I make my application work in the background?

Hello, I’m working with the Google map and I need my app to receive the coordinates from firebase in real time, but that only works if the app is open, I want that to work in the background, besides that it also has emergent alerts and not they work if I leave the app, I come from Thunkable, thanks

There is no builder that can make apps that work in the background. MIT is working on it but at a very low pace.


ingles: They told me that Makeroid had that function, I thought it was true.
español: me dijeron que Makeroid tenía esa función, pense que era cierto.

There’s nothing about that yet…
For the moment a solution, or a little trick, would be to simulate pressing the home button … that way the app would be loaded in memory and continue working… I don’t know for how long…

You can search the Community for your answer if you don’t believe us…

These are points, I have made