Build Failed! Error

When compiling I am getting - Someone cut the power Your apk could not be compiled.
And also getting this error on the bottom - Build Failed! Error: Your build failed due to an error in ApkBuild Stage, not because of an error in your program.

Press the view log button and post the outcome here.

Is this an earning app?

No this is not. I am making a game in which there is reward system.

Tell me, whats the difference?

I think in earning app you have to complete some tasks(like install app, watch ads) in order to earn money. But in this you have to play game and your score will decide rewards like amazon gift vouchers.

Maybe you use to many screens.
Btw you dont need 10 screens.
You can work with layouts and make them visible/invisible.

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I already making the layouts visible and invisible in blocks. I am not opening more than 3 screens at the time. I using the proper way for opening screen. I have exported more than 15 times with 10 screens and it is working fine.

So when you have a version of your app which you can export, then why dont you check what you have changed why its now not working anymore?

And btw if you really use visible/invisible in your app logic… Then you will never need 10 screens.
Make sure you dont really need all screens.

I have just added mail extension "GmailUtil’ from andres_cotis. And also your platform is saying Build Failed! Error: Your build failed due to an error in ApkBuild Stage, not because of an error in your program.

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Sounds the same to me.

My problem is solved now. I was using a time extension which caused this issue.

Link to the extension -